Special Design for Ptfe Hose Rubber Covered - PTFE fuel line with pvc coating for automotive | BESTEFLON – Besteflon

PTFE fuel line with pvc coating for automotive   | BESTEFLON Hole diameter: 3mm (3 / 16 ") Outer diameter: 7.5mm Working pressure 4250 psi (323 bar) · burst pressure 12750 psi (970 bar) Minimum bending radius 38 mm Temperature range - 65 ℃ to + 260 ℃. Each brake line is covered with a wear-resistant PVC sleeve to protect the pipe from dust and water (should be removed at the end to suit installation) With the passage of time and hard use for a long time, the standard rubber brake line will usually expand under the pressure generated when the brake is applied. This continuous expansion will stretch the rubber hose to a point where it can no longer provide the required performance over a long period of time. The steel braid is not affected by this expansion property, so providing more consistent performance during braking helps to eliminate brake fade and produce a more consistent brake pedal feel, which will far exceed the last OEM rubber hose and look better The use of ethanol and methanol fuels has become increasingly common, especially with the rise of high-horsepower turbocharged EFI engines.E85 or ethanol has proven to be an economical and efficient fuel that can provide the octane rating and power potential required for demanding applications. Safety, life and performance should be your top priorities when it comes to fuel lines in vehicles. Modern fuels contain additives that harden and degrade most materials. This can lead to potentially dangerous leaks and can leave an unpleasant odor. Once the fuel line degrades, poorly performing hose particles can contaminate and clog the fuel injector and carburetor channels, affecting performance and causing multiple problems. Besteflon high-performance PTFE fuel hoses solve these problems using a thickened, multilayer braided technology designed to withstand the corrosive properties of modern fuels. This material is impervious to the degenerative effects of fuel that also creates a vapor barrier so fuel vapors cannot leak past. Besteflon Fluorine Plastic Industrial Co., Ltd is an original PTFE fuel hose supplier, which is available in standard sizes including AN -06, -08, -10,-12, -16 and AN-20

Coated/Cover ptfe hose

No. Inner diameter Outer diameter Tube Wall Thickness Working pressure Burst pressure Minimum bending radius Specification sleeve size
(inch) (mm±0.2) (inch) (mm±0.2) (inch) (mm±0.1) (psi) (bar) (psi) (bar) (inch) (mm)
ZXGM112-04 3/16" 4.8 0.358 9.1 0.033 0.85 2936 203 11745 810 2.953 75 -3 ZXTF0-03
ZXGM112-05  1/4"  6.4  0.409  10.4  0.033  0.85  2646  183 10585 730  3.189 81  -4  ZXTF0-04
ZXGM112-06  5/16"  8.0  0.512  13.0  0.033  0.85  2429  168  9715  670 3.622 92  -5  ZXTF0-05
ZXGM112-08  3/8"  10.0  0.591  15.0  0.033  0.85  1958  135  7830  540 4.331 110  -6  ZXTF0-06
ZXGM112-10  1/2"  13.0  0.701  17.8  0.039  1.00 2272  113  6818  450  7.165 182  -8  ZXTF0-08
ZXGM112-12  5/8"  16.0  0.854  21.7  0.039  1.00  1233  85  4930  340  8.307  211  -10 ZXTF0-10
ZXGM112-14  3/4"  19.0  0.969  24.6  0.039  1.00  1015  73  4205  290  338  -12 ZXTF0-12
ZXGM112-16  7/8"  22.2  1.091  27.7  0.039  1.00  870  60  3480  240  421  -14  ZXTF0-14
ZXGM112-18  1"  25.0  1.220  31.0  0.039  1.50  798  55  3190  220 539  -16  ZXTF0-16


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  • Special Design for Ptfe Hose Rubber Covered - PTFE fuel line with pvc coating for automotive | BESTEFLON – Besteflon Related Video: