Competitive Price for Rubber Covered Ptfe Hose – Covered ptfe hose for Mold temperature machine | BESTEFLON – Besteflon

Advantages of covered ptfe hose

Chemical resistance: It is inert to almost all commercial chemicals, acids, alcohols, coolants, elastomers, petroleum compounds, solvents, vinyl, synthetic lubricants, and hydraulic fluids. Bending and impact resistance: Not affected by continuous bending, vibration or impact - can withstand alternating hot and cold cycles. Low friction coefficient: Low friction coefficient and anti viscosity performance ensure continuous low pressure drop during use, with good rated pressure and full vacuum. Light weight: Easier to move, handle and install than rubber hose with a comparable burst pressure rating - ideal as a pigtail in gas handling and pneumatic systems where the dew point must be low. Inviscid: Handle various substances such as adhesives, mortars, dyes, grease, glue, latex, paint and paint - when used as a compressed discharge line, no carbon build-up. Pollution-free: Does not contaminate materials, fluids, gas conduction – PTFE is FDA approved for food handling and pharmaceutical applications Anti metamorphism: Weather resistant, long-term storage, no aging - no aging during use. Steam compatibility

Coated/Cover ptfe hose

No. Inner diameter Outer diameter Tube Wall Thickness Working pressure Burst pressure Minimum bending radius Specification sleeve size
(inch) (mm±0.2) (inch) (mm±0.2) (inch) (mm±0.1) (psi) (bar) (psi) (bar) (inch) (mm)
ZXGM112-04 3/16" 4.8 0.358 9.1 0.033 0.85 2936 203 11745 810 2.953 75 -3 ZXTF0-03
ZXGM112-05  1/4"  6.4  0.409  10.4  0.033  0.85  2646  183 10585 730  3.189 81  -4  ZXTF0-04
ZXGM112-06  5/16"  8.0  0.512  13.0  0.033  0.85  2429  168  9715  670 3.622 92  -5  ZXTF0-05
ZXGM112-08  3/8"  10.0  0.591  15.0  0.033  0.85  1958  135  7830  540 4.331 110  -6  ZXTF0-06
ZXGM112-10  1/2"  13.0  0.701  17.8  0.039  1.00 2272  113  6818  450  7.165 182  -8  ZXTF0-08
ZXGM112-12  5/8"  16.0  0.854  21.7  0.039  1.00  1233  85  4930  340  8.307  211  -10 ZXTF0-10
ZXGM112-14  3/4"  19.0  0.969  24.6  0.039  1.00  1015  73  4205  290  338  -12 ZXTF0-12
ZXGM112-16  7/8"  22.2  1.091  27.7  0.039  1.00  870  60  3480  240  421  -14  ZXTF0-14
ZXGM112-18  1"  25.0  1.220  31.0  0.039  1.50  798  55  3190  220 539  -16  ZXTF0-16


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