Braided Hose Cover AN8 for Brake System | BESTEFLON

Braid hose cover refers to the braided reinforcement layer outside the inner tube. Different covers have different roles:

Stainless steel wire - Increasing hose working pressure, protect inner tube will not be destroyed by external forces;

PU/PVC - Good protect to stainless steel layer, suitable for automotive hose;

TPU - good protect to stainless steel layer

Silicone - heat insulation, abrasion;

Glass Fiber/ Dacron/ Cotton Yarn - heat insulation;

Motley Cotton Yarn - Thermal insulation an plays an important role in marking, available colors are black, white, blue, red, gray, etc;

Aramid Fiber - thermal insulation, increasing the working pressure;

Braided layer is very important for the PTFE smooth bore tubes and convoluted tubes, it can protect the inner tube from damage easily, but also can increase the working pressure and make the hose more flexible. Because of the special properties of PTFE, it is used in various industries. However, each industry has different requirements for these hoses performance. At this time, the braided cover with different functions can be better applied to each industry. If you need this, please check the above detailed explanation to choose your own way!

Advantage of PTFE braid hose cover

High temperature resistance

Insoluble in any solvents. It can withstand high temperature to 300℃ in a short time, and it can be used continuously between 240℃~260℃, and has remarkable thermal stability.

Corrosion resistance

Inert to most chemicals and solvents, resistant to strong acids and alkalis, water and various organic solvents, and can protect parts from any kind of chemical corrosion.

High pressure resistant

The working pressure after braided stainless steel wire is 500-4,700 psi or more. Widely used in hydraulic industry.

Light weight and flexible

It can greatly reduce the working intensity of the operator, easier to install.

Coated/Cover ptfe hose

No. Inner diameter Outer diameter Tube Wall
Working pressure Burst pressure Minimum bending radius Specification sleeve size
(inch) (mm±0.2) (inch) (mm±0.2) (inch) (mm±0.1) (psi) (bar) (psi) (bar) (inch) (mm)
ZXGM112-04 3/16" 4.8 0.358 9.1 0.033 0.85 2936 203 11745 810 2.953 75 -3 ZXTF0-03
ZXGM112-05  1/4"  6.4  0.409  10.4  0.033  0.85  2646  183 10585 730  3.189 81  -4  ZXTF0-04
ZXGM112-06  5/16"  8.0  0.512  13.0  0.033  0.85  2429  168  9715  670 3.622 92  -5  ZXTF0-05
ZXGM112-08  3/8"  10.0  0.591  15.0  0.033  0.85  1958  135  7830  540 4.331 110  -6  ZXTF0-06
ZXGM112-10  1/2"  13.0  0.701  17.8  0.039  1.00 2272   113  6818  450  7.165 182  -8  ZXTF0-08
ZXGM112-12  5/8"  16.0  0.854  21.7  0.039  1.00  1233  85  4930  340  8.307  211  -10 ZXTF0-10
ZXGM112-14  3/4"  19.0  0.969  24.6  0.039  1.00  1015  73  4205  290    338  -12 ZXTF0-12
ZXGM112-16  7/8"  22.2  1.091  27.7  0.039  1.00  870  60  3480  240    421  -14  ZXTF0-14
ZXGM112-18  1"  25.0  1.220  31.0  0.039  1.50  798  55  3190  220   539  -16  ZXTF0-16


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